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  LOKASI :  Kabupaten Karawang

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jl.baru by pass km 1
Company Name : DIAN GRAHA ENGINEERING Adress : jl.baru By pass km 1 karawang Telephone : 0267 8450 263 Faximile : 0267 8450 263 Estabushet In : 28 November 2006 Line of business : contruction, fabrication, steel structur, N M/ E Contac Person : Aan Kadarson ( 0812 8761 6000 ) Nento ( 0853 1493 5007) VISION To maintain our position as the domestic market leader while competing in the Free Trade era by improving our performances and exploring our opportunities in the regional market. MISSION We create a synergy with our customers to provide more than mere customer satisfaction. We encourage innovation to maintain a leading edge and keep our project' s competitiveness one step a head from the competition. Keeping our projects ahead means bringing our customers to the future with an early advantage. Furthermore, maintaining the high standards of our human capital resources also provides us with managers of the future who are always proactively adaptive towards any changes in the industry. The changes that we create lead to efficiency in all departments and increase in productivity and quality, hence supporting our main goal to compete and win the major share of the market. JENIS DAN BIDANG USAHA DIAN GRAHA ENGINEERING Mempunya Jenis bidang usaha sebagai Berikut Machining : roller, gear box, noze, tube burner, bushing, shaft, gear, spuyer, torox, flange, farme, roll spiral. Pulli, roll pewder dll Contruction : construction erixtion, dust collector, tank oil, cerobong asap, ducting, stronge tang, gondola, hoist, jembatan, kern, tower, scretcer, hand rill, bagging, conveyor, , recuperator, structure, instalasi pipa, Fabrication : jig basket, screen mesh, conveyor, wire mesh, lemari besi, canopy genset, oil drain table, suppot oil tang, screw, pan pallet, greating, roda, kain, beacher, sketcher, piskin, jigger,